Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Where are you located?
A: Our little home studio is located in West Croydon. You will be provided with an info pack upon booking with the full address and details on how to find us!

Q: What is Process Art?
A: Our process art workshops focus on the making and doing, rather than the finished product.

Q: What kind of workshops do you offer?
A: Every term consists of a range of lessons exploring many types of making.
Our mediums include: acrylics, watercolour, found materials, small object making, oil pastels, clay, photography, embroidery, print making and more.

Q: Do I stay with my child during the lesson?
A: For our after school workshops we ask that you drop your child off and collect them at the end of the class.

Q: What should my child wear to your workshop?
A: We will always provide children with the opportunity to wear smocks, to be safe please dress your children in clothes and shoes that they don’t mind getting messy, as we sometimes use materials that can stain clothing.